Open letter of support for community members targeted by Jon Pretty
We, the undersigned, have become aware that, for some time, Jon Pretty has abused his position of privilege and stature within the Scala community to sexually harass and victimize women. He has used the community’s conferences to target women who are new to the Scala community, offering mentorship, access, and other forms of support, and then abusing the trust that he has established.
We state this based on multiple, independent, well-substantiated reports showing a systematic pattern of behavior over an extended period.
Mr. Pretty’s behavior is unacceptable. It is morally repugnant on its face. It directly damages the women involved, sometimes causing lasting trauma. It also indirectly damages the Scala community by creating a more toxic environment, especially for women and newcomers.
We demand that Mr. Pretty cease using technical gatherings, within the Scala community or elsewhere, to prey on women. We request that any organization in which Mr. Pretty serves in a leadership or advisory capacity immediately cut ties with him. We call upon organizations and conference organizers to strengthen their codes of conduct to explicitly forbid such behavior.
We further resolve that:
- We will not support the efforts of any party in the Scala community that provides a platform to Mr. Pretty. That includes, but is not limited to, boycotting events the party organizes and refusing to buy any product or service the party offers.
- We will not attend any conference or user group meeting organized or attended by Mr. Pretty.
- We will not attend any conference or user group meeting that does not have a code of conduct that is both specific (it must not allow predatory sexual advances in professional spaces) and actionable (it must provide a safe and accessible reporting mechanism for people who have been targeted).
- We will not use or promote any software artifacts that are maintained by Mr. Pretty.
We encourage others to adopt these same resolutions.
Our purpose in releasing this open letter is to bring attention to the issue and to limit the ability of Mr. Pretty and others to use their reputations and influence within the industry as cover for sexually predatory behavior.
Signed (27 April 2021):
- Adelbert Chang
- Adrienne L. Travis
- Brian Clapper
- Dean Wampler
- Erik Osheim
- Eugene Yokota
- Heather Miller
- Jamie Allen
- Kelley Robinson
- kf Fellows
- Lars Hupel
- Luka Jacobowitz
- Michael Pilquist
- Rob Norris
- Ross A. Baker
- Ryan Williams
- Seth Tisue
- Stew O’Connor
- Travis Brown
Additional support:
- Aaditya Menon
- Aaron S. Hawley
- Abhishek Srivastava
- Adam Rosien
- Ahmad Hassan
- Akshi Vadde
- Alan Johnson
- Albert Pastrana
- Aldo Stracquadanio
- Alec Zorab
- Aleksander Sumowski
- Alessandro Marrella
- Alessandro Zanin
- Alessandro Zoffoli
- Alex Berry
- Alex Cameron
- Alex Khvatov
- Alex Levenson
- Alex McGuire
- Alex Merritt
- Alexandre Bergeron
- Alexandre Bertails
- Alexandre Berthaud
- Alexandros Bourantas
- Ali S. Rashid
- Amanda Liu
- Ambroise Dhenain
- Amina Adewusi
- Amy Hughes
- Amy Wong
- Andrea Magnorsky
- Andrea Peruffo
- Andrew Che
- Andrew Gee
- Andrew Gustafson
- Andrew Valencik
- André Luiz Ferreira Pinto
- Andy Scott
- Angelos Michos
- Ankit Dobhal
- Anna Bladzich
- Antoine Comte
- Antonio Alonso Dominguez
- Antonio Gelameris
- April Hyacinth
- Artie Pesh-Imam
- Arya Irani
- Attila Szegedi
- Barrie McGuire
- Bart Schuller
- Bartosz Bierkowski
- Ben Fradet
- Ben Plommer
- Benjamin Thuillier
- Bogdan Mihai
- Bogdan Roman
- Borja Lorente
- Bregy Malpartida
- Brian Hoff
- Brian Holt
- Brian Pritchett
- Britany Meadows
- Byron Samaripa
- Cate Nestor
- Charles Adetiloye
- Chiin-Rui Tan
- Choon Kee Oh
- Chris Kipp
- Christophe Junke
- Christopher Davenport
- Christopher League
- Christopher Lewis
- Clement Delafargue
- Craig Treptow
- Daniel Hinojosa
- Daniel Karch
- Daniel Peebles
- Daniel Spiewak
- Daniel Tattan-Birch
- Daniel Westheide
- Daniela Sfregola
- Danielle Gourgey
- Danny McClanahan
- Dario Rexin
- Dave Pereira-Gurnell
- David Francoeur
- David Gregory
- David Smith
- Davis Zanot
- Denis Pyshev
- Derek Chen-Becker
- Derek Mortimer
- Dougie Robertson
- Douglas Clinton
- Dragisa Krsmanovic
- Drew Gassaway
- Dylan Martin
- Eda Meadows
- Eddie Kay
- Elias Court
- Eric Loots
- Ethan Suntag
- Evgenii Kuznetcov
- Felix Bruckmeier
- Felix Mulder
- Filipe Regadas
- Filippo Costa
- Filippo De Luca
- Francesco Pellegrini
- Frank Thomas
- Gabor Pihaj
- Gabriel Volpe
- Gagan Bhatia
- Ganga Tankasala
- Gary Coady
- Gavin Bisesi
- Germán Ferrari
- Glenn Liwanag
- Gorazd Kozmus
- Greg Lim-Stromire
- Greg Pfeil
- Gregor Heine
- Guillaume Bogard
- Guillaume Martres
- Hanns Holger Rutz
- Harish Gontu
- Herdy Handoko
- Holden Karau
- Hungai Amuhinda
- Idrees Khan
- Ignasi Marimon-Clos
- Imran Javaid
- Isitha Subasinghe
- Issel Parra
- Jack Rudnick
- Jack Wheatley
- Jakub Błaszczyk
- Jakub Kozłowski
- James Fielder
- James Warren
- Janek Bogucki
- Jarrod Urban
- Jasna Rodulfa-Blemberg
- Jason Martens
- Jean Helou
- Jean Yang
- Jérémie Astori
- Jeremy Rose
- Jeremy Smith
- Jesse Atkinson
- Jessica Siewert
- Jian Lan
- Jim Miller
- Jiro Kugiya
- Joe Lewis
- Johan Mudsam
- Johannes Rudolph
- John Nestor
- Jonathan Coveney
- Jose Raya
- Josef Vlach
- Joshua Conner
- Juan Pedro Moreno
- Julian Peeters
- Junhyung Im
- Justin Pihony
- Kailuo Wang
- Katherine Michel
- Katrin Grunert
- Kelsey Gilmore-Innis
- Ken Scambler
- Kevin Walter
- Kien Dang
- Konrad Malawski
- Kris Nuttycombe
- Krystal Maughan
- Lars Albertsson
- Lee Smith
- Leif Warner
- Levi Richardson
- Lexi Galantino
- Lin Lee
- Long Cao
- Loránd Szakács
- Luca Violanti
- Ludovic Claude
- Luis Miguel Mejía Suárez
- Lydia Skuse
- Marc Ramírez
- Marcos Pereira
- Mario Pastorelli
- Mark “Justin du Coeur” Waks
- Mark Hammons
- Mark Janse van Rensburg
- Mark C. Lewis
- Mark Tomko
- Markus Jura
- Martijn Hoekstra
- Martin Carolan
- Martin Kühl
- Martin Pallmann
- Mathis Randl
- Matt Hughes
- Matthias Sperl
- Michael Pollmeier
- Michael Xavier
- Michel Steuwer
- Mikolaj Szabó
- Milan van der Meer
- Misir Jafarov
- Morgen Peschke
- Moses Nakamura
- Muki Seiler
- Natalia Klyuchnikova
- Nathan Kleyn
- Navin Surtani
- Nawaar Patel
- Neville Li
- Nicolas Rinaudo
- Nishant Chatterjee
- Noel Georgi
- Olushola Akinmolayan
- Oscar Boykin
- Pajanilingum Renghen
- Paolo G. Giarrusso
- Paresh Adhia
- Paul Chiusano
- Paul Horn
- Pere Villega
- Peter Hilton
- Peter László
- Phil Curzon
- Pierre Dal-Pra
- Pieter Van Geel
- Piyush Purang
- Priya Viseskul
- Rafa Paradela
- Rafael Fiume
- Rafał Krzewski
- raichoo
- Raphaél Parrée
- Raúl Raja
- Rebecca Ely
- Rebecca Mark
- Régis Kuckaertz
- Rhys Sharrem
- Richard Ashworth
- Richard Costine
- Richard Dallaway
- Rikito Taniguchi
- Rishabh Agarwal
- Rishad Sewnarain
- Rose Toomey
- Rutger Claes
- Ryan Peters
- Ryan Plessner
- Ryan Tanner
- Sam Desborough
- Sam Pillsworth
- Sambhav Saggi
- Sandeep Virdi
- Saskia Gennrich
- Sathyaprakash Dhanabal
- Sean Glover
- SeongHyun Lee (Kevin Lee / 케빈 리)
- Sebastian Alfers
- Sérgio Teixeira
- Sergi Gonzalez
- Shadaj Laddad
- Simon Dumas
- Simone Ripamonti
- Siu Leung Chan
- Somdev Sangwan
- Stephen Lazaro
- Steve Buzzard
- Stewart Stewart
- Stuart White
- Thomas Lockney
- Thomas Switzer
- Tim Spence
- Tobias Roeser
- Todd Burnside
- Tomás Rossi
- Tony Aldridge
- Tun Shwe
- Uwe Sommerlatt
- Vasil Vasilev
- Vasilis Nicolaou
- Veer Shah
- Vladimir Kostyukov
- Waris Radji
- Will Sargent
- Wille Faler
- William Autrey
- Woohyeong Kim
- Yann Simon
- Yilin Wei
- Yoghaswara Hadi Nugroho
- Yufan Gong
- Yumin Wong
- Zach McCoy
Additional information
Please read the following statements by people who were targeted:
And consider signing the letter: